Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy Inauguration Day!
So, how does one celebrate this day in history from Egypt? Almost every American adult I know is either going to an election party (with satellite TV) or going to the Maadi House (the American club) to watch it all unfold on CNN. I have Bible study tonight but I think Joe is going to sit on the couch and watch it with a beer (maybe he’ll be part of the beer-drinking democrat constituency). We may even keep Aedan up to watch it.
Of course, Aedan doesn’t see the big deal about an African-American president. He asks me “why would African Americans and women and Native Americans and Chinese Americans, etc etc not be president Mom?”. Good question….and very heartening to hear. Perhaps the real victory in electing the first AA president isn’t for the generations who finally learn that with hard work and a little luck, anyone can be president. Perhaps the real victory is for the generation that never think otherwise.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
January...and a new resolution....
So we are home from a rejuvenating Christmas trip home to the
Returning “home” was a little strange. I’m sure that my experience was no different than many of you who travel from the homes of your youth back to the “home” of your nuclear family, job, etc. For us, it was culture shock all over again….Upon landing,
So Christmas break was fantastic and a good R and R before the coming semester. This February brings changes for the S-Rs. Mommy is going back to work. Technically, I have been working; I have been teaching at NCSU online but it rarely took me out of the house. In addition to NCSU this semester, I will be teaching 2 sections of 1 psychology course at American University-Cairo (AUC) where Joe teaches. I am excited and a little nervous (good thing Joe gets to walk me to class…isn’t that cute?). I wonder if I will ever teach long enough to not look around when someone calls me Dr. S-R or if I will ever get over that lump-swallowing moment when I look around and realize that they expect me to actually teach them something? Anyway, we have hired someone to come in 3 days a week to help with the cleaning, washing, and to get the kids from school at 3 until I arrive home at 3:15. I don’t know why this is such a huge deal to me (everyone here has help at least 3 days a week!), but it really is. First of all, our kids have never had a nanny or have been in childcare. I’ll admit that I am a horrible snob about this but we made the sacrifice and somehow have made it all work for almost 6 years now. I know that childcare 15 minutes/1 day a week (Joe will be home the other 2) hardly counts as a raising a “nanny kid” but still… It is also something new for me to have someone in the house when I am working from home. It is a tiny bit of noise but it doesn’t bother me…I just find myself wondering what to do with my dirty tea cup when she just washed the dishes. I should just put it in the sink but instead I hide it in a drawer to wash privately later. I am a nut, aren’t I? Still, what is a well-mannered southern belle to do?
Our new housekeeper started today and she is amazing. My filthy house has been transformed and she wants to cook us dinner (Wow! Sure!). I have no idea what she is going to do from 8am-6pm 3 days a week but Joe reminded me that I seemed busy from 6am-12midnight 7 days a week so surely the help would be nice (hint, hint, I think he wants more attention). We don’t have a choice about the down-sides of
All this is to say that I have mixed feelings about hiring a refugee. I want to help but I have never been one of those who could say “give them a job you don’t want to do yourself” with a clear conscious. Is hiring someone to clean your house really lifting a person up? Still, I know we will be good to her. I know we will pay her. I know we will respect her. She is probably better off with us than somewhere else. Lots of Americans here have advised me to play the upper hand…not to smile, not to engage, and not care at all about the people who work for you. Oh well. I’m not sure I ever want to be capable of that. For example, when talking about today’s schedule, I mentioned that I though we could eat together around 12noon which would give us enough time to eat, clean up, and get my daughter from school. She looked down and (in the most non-manipulating way) said “I am ok madam. I am used to going a long time without eating”. How can I convey how very sad I was to hear this? Now, I do know that she is not starving but the sentence was riddled with embarrassing post-colonial insinuations. See, this is the fun of being white in
On that note, I will close for now….Please enjoy this picture of the kids waiting for Santa!
Happy New Year!