Hi all-
So, the new semester is in full swing at AUC. Back by popular demand are excerpts from my students' biographies. As usual, they are funny, humbling, and even a bit inspirational (arranged by general type):
Honest"When I first signed up for this class it was my intention to basically just go for easy classes to boost my GPA since last semester I didn’t do as well as I had hoped."
"I signed up for this course because like so many others, I've always had an interest in psychology and understanding the human mind. I've even considered having it as my major at one point. Besides, most of my friends love going around diagnosing each other, both to try and make sense of this world and to make themselves feel like they're smarter than one another. I want in on that."
"I am taking this course because I usually wanted to know more and understand Psychology, especially because of the fact that in Egypt Psychiatrists usually freak people out. That’s why the idea of studying Psychology seems very interesting to me."
"I'm trying to get a solid background in child psychology, or adolescent psychology (if there is such a thing) to become a guidance counselor for high schoolers, as my guidance counselor had the IQ of peat moss. My preferred learning style is a combination of lecture/discussion as I feel note taking to be a waste of time"
Funny"I'm witty, impeccably mannered, and exceedingly handsome to boot. For a guy who's never been outside the Middle East, I also have an unparalleled command of the English language, which I use to write stupid shit from time to time that makes people laugh."
"Shopping is also one of my very favorite hobbies it puts me in an amazing state of happiness."
Inspirational (and a little scary)"This course will be my pocket guide for my life journey."
"The reason why I (am a business major) is because of my dad. Even though I never studied business and wouldn’t want to but according to my dad I would do good in the marketing field or that I have a marketing eye or something like that. So I still didn’t decide because I still have no idea with what I’m going to do."
"I am willing to do whatever it takes in this course to get an A because this is the only course I have been looking forward to all summer!"
Enjoy the rest of September!