Virginia and Ashley took a "girls day" to the Art Colony at Fagnoon, right outside of Cairo. Take a look! Shown:
-Just before our trip....Virginia in pigtails in front of office door showing off a recent masterpiece
-Virginia on homemade rope swing at entrance to Fagnoon
-Virginia and friend enjoy bouncing on homemade trampoline of bedsprings and handwoven mats!
-Virginia and best friend from preschool enjoy painting...look mom, they let me paint the table here!
-Virginia does her first pottery
-Virginia and Mom show off dirty hands--mud compliments of the Nile River!
-"Big kids" enjoy a game of mud soccer. You haven't seen the "real" Egypt until you see fully veiled young women mud wrestle!...look closely...everyone mud wrestles in Egypt!
-time for lunch! V and A stop for some homemade "baladi bread" (whole wheat pita) straight out of a the mud brick oven!
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