Sunday, July 27, 2008

What we're missing

Hi again-

Today marks the end of Week 2 in Cairo. It also is a very special day in Joe’s family. Joe’s youngest brother Mike and his wife Andrea are having a baby today in Denver. This is a huge day for them and we wish more than anything that we could share it with them. In reality, if we lived in the States, we would likely be in NC teaching summer school and planning for a later visit to see the newborn. We wouldn’t likely “be there” at the hospital but the fact that we virtually cannot (versus would not) be there is a real bummer. Still, we got a good long visit with them a month back and hope we can make it through until we can get back to the states. A new baby in the family, a new niece or nephew, a new!

Back in the desert, we are trying to stay upbeat. We are still getting hilarious cultural experiences daily...

Aedan fell on Saturday night and I was afraid that he might have broken his arm. It turns out he was ok but a bit sore yesterday so he and I had a "pj day" wherein we planned to eat junk food and watch movies all day. Joe and Virginia, antsy to get out, had just left for a "short" walk around the block. Not 10 minutes after they left, 7 guys with dirty suitcases rang the bell saying that they were here to "feex for American". Naturally, I didn't let them in at first but they were insistent and it turns out that they were in fact from the university. Joe filled out some form a while back about some necessary repairs to the "flat" (our apt). The dirty suitcases were filled with equally filthy (and rusty) tools wherein they did fix stuff albeit not stuff that I would have had them fix given that I hadn't showered or dressed. Note that I am still in my pjs...and let's just say that while they do the trick, they aren't exactly "conservative" in the Middle Eastern sense of the word (they show my elbows for goodness sake).
Doorbell rings again....another 5 men from the university to install 3 new phone lines (Joe requested this but they were supposed to call to schedule). How many Egyptians does it take to install a phone line? Well, 1 and 4 to smoke outside :) Still, they came and the phone line is installed (and 2 of the 3 they put in actually work!) . I've heard this is good odds.
Doorbell rings again...our taxicab driver with "your new maid". Whaaaaaat? My new what? Again, I think Joe mentioned that we might get one and Mustafa took that to mean "go get me one" I guess. I know I read somewhere that Egyptians are offended if you do business without tea and cake but I was totally unprepared. I don't even own a tea pot. So I rustled up some tea and stuck it in a glass pitcher and "our new maid" screamed with laughter and said "I have much work here". Yes, indeed. Meanwhile, Aedan (doped up on tylenol) is running around the house yelling in parceltongue/snake language (like Harry Potter). It is quite possible that we scared the maid off. I have never seen anyone gulp down tea that fast!

After an unbelievable effort at telepathy, Joe returns from his "short" 3 hour walk with fresh flowers and a new vacuum cleaner (the way to my heart). Phone rings....someone talking loudly in Arabic. Joe asks if they are EgNet (DSL provider) and they say "I don't speak French" and hang up! This is all before noon yesterday....the day only gets more bizarre. It is like a choose your own adventure book..."If you choose to hire the maid and send her out to buy a teapot, go to page 6", "if you start screaming 'what are you doing here? I didn't call you and I am still in my pjs for goodness sakes!'" turn to page 12". I have the sneaking suspicion that all pages lead to the same conclusion...we'll manage....maybe even thrive. :)

As for the cat, well, poor Steiney is still adjusting to both Egypt and Virginia's newfound attention to her post-Bronco. To her credit, Steinem is mellowing but has discovered a few hiding places when she tires of being dressed up and pushed around in the stroller. See picture on left.

Lots of love and everyone be sending good thoughts to Mike and Drea.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hi S-R's.
You guys are amazing!! Thanks for sharing all of your adventures. We are very jealous and looking forward to visiting, but have to admit we were very happy to get the chance to meet "baby becca" last night. She is a beauty, like her mamma, and jim said she's lucky she doesn't have mikey's nose. Ah, family. We miss you and continue to wish you the best as you explore and thrive.