Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Aedan's Mummy Jokes!

Here are some of the best from Egyptian Culture week at his school.....

Q: What do you call a mummy that sleeps all day?

A: Lazybones

Q: What’s the speed limit in Egypt?

A: 55 Niles an hour

Q: What game do mummies like to play?

A: Casketball

Q: What do you say when you’ve seen a terrible mummy movie?

A: It really sphinx

Q: What did the mummy say when he got angry with the skeleton?

A: I have a bone to pick with you

Q: Where do mummies swim?

A: In the dead sea

Q: What did the boy mummy say to the girl mummy when he took her out of her tomb?

A: I really dig you!

From: Mummy Riddles by Katy Hall and Lisa Eisenberg


rsheehan said...

love the jokes. we miss you guys!
i wrote back to ashley to see when you are coming to the land of strip malls for the holidays. let me know, as we are planning a pump it up gathering to celebrate aedan's visit, with eight of the boys' friends....
hope you're well!

rsheehan said...

this is franklin messaging. aedan, are you 6 yet?
you're invited to my birthday party did you know that?
i liked the mummy jokes. all fresh.
i have a joke too

whos there
joe who?
joe mama!

are you having fun there? send me a message and i'll get you back.