Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

Another uniquely American milestone that we are watching from Egypt…Although I was a Hillary supporter until about 2 weeks before she dropped out, no one jumped on the “Obama Yes We Can!” train faster. Quite simply, we S-Rs are caught up in the Obamania…

So, how does one celebrate this day in history from Egypt? Almost every American adult I know is either going to an election party (with satellite TV) or going to the Maadi House (the American club) to watch it all unfold on CNN. I have Bible study tonight but I think Joe is going to sit on the couch and watch it with a beer (maybe he’ll be part of the beer-drinking democrat constituency). We may even keep Aedan up to watch it.

Of course, Aedan doesn’t see the big deal about an African-American president. He asks me “why would African Americans and women and Native Americans and Chinese Americans, etc etc not be president Mom?”. Good question….and very heartening to hear. Perhaps the real victory in electing the first AA president isn’t for the generations who finally learn that with hard work and a little luck, anyone can be president. Perhaps the real victory is for the generation that never think otherwise.

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